And then there is Mary …..

By: Kathleen Aparo And then there is Mary……. This journey of faith cannot be taken without looking at Jesus’ mother, Mary. Why? Because every strength we need, all the courage we need, the faith we need, shines through her life. She said “yes” to an angel and didn’t ask anyone to help her make that …

The Assumption: Celebrating the Blessed Mother’s ultimate journey

The woman who spent so much of her life in motion — setting out, traveling, searching and fleeing –- finally is given a place of rest, a place “prepared by God,” as Revelation puts it Deacon Greg Kandra August 15, 2016 The gospel today begins with a journey. “Mary set out and traveled to the …

Come to Me

Message from July 25, 1989 to Marija “Dear children! Today I am calling you to renew your hearts. Open yourselves to God and surrender to him all your difficulties and crosses so, God may turn everything into joy. Little children, you cannot open yourselves to God if you do not pray. Therefore, from today, decide to consecrate a time …

Never Forget 9-11-2001, Let us Pray!

As the twelfth anniversary of 9/11 approaches us tomorrow, please remember those lives lost on that tragic day and the impact it has had on our nation since. There will be a national moment of silence starting at 0846 (Eastern) and flags are to be flown at half-staff from sunup to sundown. We will never …

Will you join Pope Francis in prayer and fasting for peace in Syria on September 7th?

Will you join Pope Francis in prayer and fasting for peace in Syria on September 7th? May no effort be spared in guaranteeing humanitarian assistance to those wounded by this terrible conflict, in particular those forced to flee and the many refugees in nearby countries. All men and women of good will are bound by …

Join us in a novena for Our Country

Intention for the Novena is to ask our Blessed Mother to protect our country from all that threatens our religious freedom and to keep us safe from wars and terrorism, to bring to us the Godly leaders we need and to ask our Lord to help us become the nation He intends for us to …

Prayer Commending Oneself to Mary

On this Feast day of The Assumption of Our Blessed Mother, let us say this pray to help us along the way: O holy Mary, my Mistress, into thy blessed trust and special blessing, into the bosom of thy tender mercy, this day, every day of my life and at the hour of my death, …

Our Lady’s Message, January 25, 1996 with a reflection by Fr. Slavko

JANUARY 25, 1996: “Dear Children, today I invite you to decide for peace. Pray to God that He will give you true peace. Live peace in your hearts and you will understand, dear children, that peace is God’s gift. Dear children, without love you cannot live peace. The fruit of peace is love and the …

Boy visiting Medjugorje dies and comes back to life

A boy named Daniel, along with his mother, father, and a good male friend, traveled to Medjugorje for its Youth Festival, which occurred July 31st through August 6th, 2010. During one of the days of their pilgrimage, toward the end of the festival week, they decided to travel to the beautiful Kravice Waterfall, located ten …

Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Miracle Prayer

The Miracle Prayer Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Thy Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give Thee my …